How Connected Are We through Historical Inter-race Marriage with August Jade Sterling

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August Jade Sterling is an author and lives with her cat Sir Prince Charming in Minnesota. Like all good cats, he runs the house. While she is busy working away, he takes his daily naps in between thoughts of food. August Jade holds a graduate degree from the Maxwell School at Syracuse University. When not writing or singing jazz, she creates programs for television.


Passing as white in America and unbeknownst to her, a mixed-blood American falls in love with a British Aristocrat. It's love at first sight. What follows are illegal marriages, children, a dukedom, and murder. Add to that, England's top operatives, and eavesdropping right-hand man, gun-toting ladies, espionage, smuggling, additional murders, a friendly ghost, more secrets, a ton that is very upset about the possibility of the purity of the aristocracy being compromised, and love. Welcome to the world of the Roxbury as they take on the British elite during the Regency Period, the ton as it has never been portrayed before, and historical facts interwoven with fiction


Vivid in its twists and turns of the plot, which toe the line between a historical novel, comparisons of American and British social prejudices and perceptions, and struggles to fit into changing worlds, The American Duke offers a warm study of 1800s society on both sides of the pond. This focus is fueled by characters who skirt some major questions about the aristocracy as they search for romance, meaning, and acceptance.


Finding the true purpose of marriage

People that were truly in love, they, did last a lot more longer. They last a lot more longer than people who don't marry just for the status and the titles. And to ensure that they're offspring will have these elaborate lifestyles.


Practice gratitude even in times of crisis

People really don't like the person they're with and they don't like themselves, and if people would just sit down, I always sit down and say, okay, just do one simple thing a day. Sit in your favorite chair and for a minute say thank you. Don't ask for anything. Just say thank you. Eventually it'll sink in. Thank you. Thank you for the fact that I have a roof over my head. Thank you for the fact that I have food. Thank you for the fact that my plants are growing. If you just say thank you, maybe some things will begin to open up as her understanding of who you are. It takes programs like this, someone who is willing to say, oops, made the wrong step. I am going to correct it. I am going to look at it and see how I can be a better person.


Outline of This Episode


[04:29] August’s background


[07:29] Law against inter race marriages


[14:34] The idea of working with your relationships, seeking help in the areas that you're deficit in.


[17:27] Knowledge on what happens when you overeating and you're just consuming


[20:38] Why we need to learn to accept each other


[23:49] History about illegal marriage in America


[28:03] How to have a good heart no matter where you are in life


[32:04] Learn to take charge of your diet


[38:18] The challenge to love yourself. Quit looking at color and get on with your lives


[43:18] Never put a ceiling on your life.


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