How to Renew to Decree Positive Things with Gerald Smith Jr

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Do you deal with being gaslighted or overtaken with outside negativity from family members and friends? Has this caused you to internalize it and develop a fear about your future or doubt who you truly are? What if using the power of the tongue you could make it all go away?

In this episode, Elder Gerald Smith Jr. talks about his transformation journey from just a pre-teen when he was experiencing a host of challenges. He battled back one day by looking in the mirror and speaking to and over himself the positive results and things to put bring into authority. His life changed and he later discovered how to decree God's word to overcome fear once he actually experienced God.

Control what you can control and let go of the rest

There are some people that no matter what you do they're always going to have a negative spin. They're always going to see it the way they want to see it. We can't control them. The only person we can control is us. We control our reactions. We control what we say. When you do that, you start framing your world against all odds. You protect your environment. God gave you the power not only to decree over your life, but also to protect your environment. So if it's someone that is coming and they're trying to invade your space, you have the authority to either let them in or not let demand. 

Take time to step back and evaluate your fears and then to break free

A lot of times we find ourselves in a vicious cycle because we won't take the time to take a step back, quiet ourselves, and to really assess what's going on. We may think something or something may come to our mind, but that doesn't necessarily make it true. Just because, just because a thought comes to your mind does not make it true. That's where we have to learn how to cast down imagination like the Bible tells us to replacing the thought that is in our mind, if it's a negative thought, and we can replace that, not just with a positive thought, but replace it with God's word. So if you are dealing with fear, then you need to find scripture to replace that fall of fear.

Grow in the Lord by butting Him to the test

Put Jesus' teachings to the test. So just picking up a Bible and quoting scripture is not going to work for you. Comprehend it. You understand it as you meditate on that, it talks about renewing your mind. That gets into your mind. It gets into your spirit. Now you can decree that thing, not using it. People miss this all the time. You're supposed to walk away and apply in your daily life. 

Outline of This Episode

[04:29] Gerald’s background

[07:29] Our choice to remain stagnant or keep progressing

[10:20] Know what you have the authority to control your environment

[11:40] Why growth and development is so crucial

[12:39] Learn to listen to the voice of the Lord

[14:34] How to do a mental autopsy on ourselves,

[17:27] Knowledge in the scriptures is power

[19:38] How we should put of beliefs to the test

[20:48] Tips to accept the blessings from heaven

[23:49] Knowing your adversaries and overcoming them

[24:28] Bible talks about wicked leaders 

[27:19] The importance of community because the enemy loves when we isolate ourselves

Resources Mentioned:

"Framing Your World Against All Odds"

More about Gerald Smith Jr.

IG: @Eldergsj

FB: Elderg Smith

Youtube: "Power Up With The Elder"

Spotify Podcast: "Power Up With The Elder" "Power Up With The Elder
