One Minute at a Time: Solve all Conflicts for Modern Living


Marcus Contrell Hart and Augustus V talk Top Self-Conflicts for the New Year 2023

We're all just human, and humans are flawed creatures. But that's what makes us so awesome, right? It's important to work on these self-conflicts in order to really do the things we want and achieve success this year. Let's take a look at some of the most common self-conflicts people face when it comes to the new year.

Episode topic: New Year’s Conflict Resolutions

Show: God Pill Wisdom Podcast

Marcus and Augustus V talk about 2023 and how to resolve conflicts within yourself and with others as you move towards success in your life.

Listen or Watch the God Pill Wisdom Podcast on Youtube, Rumble, Spotify, Apple, iHeartRadio or any other music or podcast app.

You wanna watch it? Go here

#newyearsresolutions #conflicts #selfconflicts 
