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Beverly Neal-Clinton talks the TaxZero Plan and Wealth Creation with a 1099

Posted by Marcus Hart

What if a 1099 form allows you all the deductions that you can't get with a W-2? Uncle Sam dictates what you can and cannot get when you work for a job. The W-9 form locks you in for the tax year. It's like being stuck in a box.

Beverly Neal-Clinton appeared on the Black Commentary Podcast with Marcus Hart for a second time to unravel how to maximize deductions and generate wealth with the TaxZero plan by simply using a 1099 form. Beverly Neal-Clinton is a mom and veteran and has helped many businesses. Her primary objective is to help people overcome fear and become more reliant on themselves. She believes people must stop getting in the way of themselves.

So how do you get unstuck? Neal-Clinton suggests you must realize that you are the result of your choices. Fear of committing is because of the requirement that a commitment brings. You have to commit consciously or unconsciously. 

When looking at the same thing, two people will look at it differently. It is fair to judge why some will succeed and others won't. Most won't understand the older you get less time you will have. Your time can become significant as you age, and it equals your ROI on life, says Neal-Clinton. We all have the same hours weekly and must learn how to leverage our time. Not only do we have to learn how to leverage our time, but we also have to learn how to understand the difference between retail and wholesale. It's simple math.

When people say they have a lot of time but don't have a lot of money, the perfect response to these people is, are you paid at an hourly rate, and are you trading in time for money? Did you need to start stacking part-time jobs with a full-time job? Did you know if you keep your daytime job if you like it and then add on a part-time side gig or side hustle, you could have a full-time income and leverage your time? You will have more time and more money. Because if you think about it, if you're trading so much time for money, your time doesn't exist.

Historically Black Americans have always traded time too much time. They were the slaves up way before the cows and chickens were making sounds picking cotton out in the field. So it's about time we learn how to leverage our time more wisely and work smarter, not hard.

The TaxZero plan can help those worried about missing out on what a W-2 can provide them at the end of the tax year when they expect a refund check. Being an entrepreneur, you don't have to work this hard. With a 1099 form, you can have a side gig and write off a lot more and offset things that you would not be able to with just a W-2. Having an EIN provides a separate entity. The 1099 form is like the golden ticket to the Willy Wonka Factory. It gives you access to all the chocolate there once you realize how the wealthy will never have to work for a wage because they understand the benefit of having a 1099 form.

It's evident how Public Schools teach students Math versus how prep schools teach students math. In public schools, it is clear that they are teaching students how to become employees compared to how prep schools teach their students how to become entrepreneurs. It's all about the language prep school use in math problems and their textbooks. It's fair to say that this is the roadblock to success and being out of poverty.

With all the information thrown at you in this blog, do you know anyone or yourself that like paying taxes? What could you do with an extra $74,458 if you are single or $94,645 if you are married? What if inflation is a gift? Use the US Internal Revenue Code to pay what you owe and not a penny more. That's what the message throughout this entire blog has been leading to. What would you do if you thought you were failing and found you were succeeding? The truth is the IRS code has over 73,000 pages. Only 522 of them are relevant to personal income taxes. There are 143 million people who find themselves receiving a 1099 form, small business owners, or who are in the medical profession. Beverly Neal-Clinton would like to share how economic empowerment is a choice. You can do it better when you know better. She intends to show that you can all do better. 

Contact her and her team by visiting the following websites below or sending an email. You can also listen to the podcast interview with Marcus on the Black Commentary Podcast on YouTube or on any podcast streaming app.

Podcast Interview Link
