Top Black Woman Consultant Helping Other Black Women in Poverty


Dr. Velma Trayham knows a thing or two about thinkin’ outside the box

by Marcus Hart

Dr. Velma Trayham was interviewed on the Black Commentary Podcast to discuss her goal to end poverty with her mastermind group currently exclusive to women of color.

Dr. Trayham is a woman who has been able to come from poverty and become a successful businesswoman. She is the CEO of Thinkzilla Consulting Group and an inspiring speaker.

She has been able to achieve this success because she has created an ecosystem that supports minority women entrepreneurs. This ecosystem consists of a mastermind group, community events, and mentorship programs for minority entrepreneurs in order to provide them with opportunities for growth and success that they would not be able to find elsewhere. 

"It is important for the black community to find a [wealth coach or program] that they can trust. They need someone who has been through what they’ve been through and understands their struggles."

Photo: Dr. Velma Trayham

Dr. Trayham highlighted some very key points as to why her program is successful for the mentees that she has worked with. The black community doesn't often have access to the top 1% of successful people who are black to get ideas on wealth building. This is why research, future planning, and events relevant to their industry are important for the black community.

It is important for the black community to find a wealth coach or program that they can trust. They need someone who has been through what they’ve been through and understands their struggles.

Dr. Trayham mentions the mindset training that Millionaire Mastermind Academy offers. Spirituality is a big role in mindset training and shifting.

A spiritual practice can empower us to be more mindful of our thoughts and feelings, and how they affect our actions. It can also help us to develop a positive outlook on life and see the good in everything that happens.

It is not about blind faith but rather it is about having hope, faith, trust, and surrendering oneself to something greater than oneself. This can be done through prayer or meditation or any other form of spirituality. Ultimately, this leads to the success that most of the women are achieving from this program.

If you would like to listen to this interview in its full context you can do so at this direct permalink or on any podcast app. Additionally, you can find the video version on Youtube at this link:

For more information about Dr. Velma Trayham and the Millionaire Mastermind Academy head over to the website at
