Be Your Own Doctor with Dr. Pedersen

Be Your Own Doctor  with Dr. Pedersen

We explored the coined phrase "Essence of Wellness" in this conversation with Dr. Gordon Pedersen and much more

I got a chance to talk with the motivated and energetic Dr. Gordon Pedersen and immediately we went full force with identifying the difference between dealing with medicine that is produced by mankind versus medicine that is created by God. Dr. Pedersen revealed to us what's been around since the times of creation in that of silver and how it can be the miracle to many viruses and illnesses that plagues us if we make it a part of our daily supplementation.

This interview stayed upbeat the entire time and it shed light on the importance of neutralizing the poisons within our body. Dr. Pedersen mentions that we have to "take back control of our own health and treatment". I agree fully with this statement and the deeper we went into the conversation and explored the benefits of each product it was quite obvious that doctors aren't addressing every area that we can feel and notice on our own before and after we leave their clinics and offices.

It was a touching moment in the interview when Dr. Pedersen described his time in Africa's poorest community using silver to demonstrate how to stop the progress of bad bacteria and against curing the deadly disease of malaria.

The "Essence of Wellness" the secret within this phrase that Dr. Gordon Pedersen was rehashing throughout the interview is in taking responsibility for your own health and giving your immune system back to yourself. Dr. Pedersen believes silver is the way to do it. Watch or listen to the interview in it's entirely. 


By Marcus Hart
